Killing of George Jeter in South Carolina in 1933


Case summary

George Jeter was killed in 1933 by Stamp Floyd, Jim Hancock, Jim Patterson, and W.M. Hitt in Clinton, Laurens County, South Carolina. The four white men, claiming that Jeter had stolen their whiskey, kidnapped Jeter from the local jail and flogged him to death in the woods. Indictments were returned in the case.


Alleged perpetrators/other named individuals:
Perpetrator group type: [ ]

Date of incident: 1933-02-14
Location: Aiken County, South Carolina
Location type: unknown - rural
Allegation against victim: stealing liquor from white bootleggers

Coroner process
Coroner/inquest: [ ]
Finding of no legal responsibility: [ ]

Criminal process
Arrest: yes
Charge/indictment/information: yes
Grand jury: yes
Trial: [ ]
Conviction: [ ]
Sentence: [ ]

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