How to Cite CRRJ Materials

We provide below recommended citation formats for specific types of content found on the CRRJ Archive site. These formats provide guidance on the information to be included; specifics of punctuation, etc. can be adapted as necessary to conform with specific style guidelines (MLA, CMS, APA, etc.). We also provide information about any restrictions on reuse of different content types. Please contact the CRRJ Archive at if you have specific questions about reusing or republishing data or content from the Archive.

Type of Content How to Cite Notes and Restrictions
Records of persons, incidents, documents [Name of record.] CRRJ Archive. [URL or permanent link] (accessed Month, Day, Year).
“Buck, Aaron.” CRRJ Archive.
(accessed August 16, 2022).

“Killing of Buck Aaron in Alabama in 1950.” CRRJ Archive.
(accessed August 16, 2022).
CRRJ Archive data has been compiled by the CRRJ from a variety of public sources. The intellectual property represented by this particular collection of data belongs to the CRRJ. These records are published by CRRJ under a CC-BY-ND-NC license .
Images [Title of image record.] CRRJ Archive. [URL or permanent link] (accessed Month, Day, Year).
“Journalism: 2022-03748-AMOS Eddie (1409154407).” CRRJ Archive.
(accessed August 16, 2022).
Digitized images in the CRRJ Archive come from a variety of sources: some public and some proprietary. The user assumes all responsibility for clearing reproduction rights and for any infringement of United States copyright law.
CRRJ content including case descriptions, summaries, methodology, student work, interviews, static page content [Title of web page.] CRRJ Archive. [URL or permanent link] (accessed Month, Day, Year).
“Sources.” CRRJ Archive.
(accessed August 16, 2022).
These materials are copyrighted by CRRJ and are published under a CC-BY-ND-NC license .
CRRJ content that includes a credit to a specific author [Author name.] [Title of web page.] CRRJ Archive. [URL or permanent link] (accessed Month, Day, Year).
Example: Wilkes, Raymond. “CRRJ Student Report.” CRRJ Archive.
(accessed August 16, 2022).
These materials are copyrighted by CRRJ and are published under a CC-BY-ND-NC  license.
Data download CRRJ Archive Data Set. CRRJ Archive. [URL or permanent link] (accessed Month, Day, Year). [version number provided with data download]
Example: CRRJ Archive Data Set.
CRRJ Archive. [URL], accessed August 1, 2023. Version 2.1.
CRRJ Archive data has been compiled by the CRRJ from a variety of public sources. The intellectual property represented by this particular collection of data belongs to the CRRJ. These records are published by CRRJ under a CC-BY-ND-NC license .

Usage Guidelines

The CRRJ Archive focuses on the history of racially motivated violence targeting African Americans in the Jim Crow South. We are committed to confronting that history and repairing its impact and urge users of the Archive to work with these materials in that spirit. Specific practices will differ across the disciplines; here are some examples to consider:

  • using CRRJ data sets to support analyses that promote social justice and greater awareness of anti-Black violence
  • including a statement describing how your use of the data contributes to humanizing and acknowledging the people whose narratives are assembled here.
  • finding ways to emphasize the humanity of the victims when referencing or visualizing data about people, incidents, and documents represented in the CRRJ Archive

We welcome opportunities for collaboration and are glad to consider specific proposals for reuse of CRRJ materials and data. Materials and data on the CRRJ Archive site that are considered the intellectual property of the CRRJ are published under a

Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives-NonCommercial (CC-BY-ND-NC) license. This license provides for reuse of these materials and data with the following provisions and limitations, without requiring specific permission:
  • Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
  • NoDerivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.

Please contact the CRRJ at for additional information about permitted forms of reuse.