Killing of Russell Williams in Louisiana in 1945


Case summary

Russell Williams, age 30, a railroad section hand, was allegedly killed in 1945 by Patrolman Charles Trapini in New Orleans, Louisiana. According to newspaper accounts, police picked up Williams for loitering near a service station, and police claimed they shot and killed him when he grabbed an officer’s gun and tried to escape. Other police on the scene were detective lieutenants Robert Acomb and Charles Werling.


Alleged perpetrators/other named individuals:
Perpetrator group type: police

Date of incident: 1945-01-07
Location: New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana
Location type: public space - urban
Allegation against victim: loitering; grabbing a police officer's gun; fleeing from a police officer

Coroner process
Coroner/inquest: [ ]
Finding of no legal responsibility: [ ]

Criminal process
Arrest: [ ]
Charge/indictment/information: [ ]
Grand jury: [ ]
Trial: [ ]
Conviction: [ ]
Sentence: [ ]

death certificates
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