Thank you notice to readers of the Gaffney Ledger from the parents of Jack Littlejohn, who had recently died : February 23, 1946


image of Thank you notice to readers of the Gaffney Ledger from the parents of Jack Littlejohn, who had recently died : February 23, 1946
Title: Thank you notice to readers of the Gaffney Ledger from the parents of Jack Littlejohn, who had recently died : February 23, 1946
Creator: [ ]
Publisher: Gaffney, South Carolina, February 23, 1946
Date created: [ ]
Genre: news articles - closed
Agency record number: [ ]

Victim(s): Jackson Littlejohn

Incident(s): Killing of Jackson Littlejohn in South Carolina in 1946

Access status: Northeastern University affiliates

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