Killing of Woodrow Allen Bush in Alabama in 1936


Case summary

Woodrow Allen Bush, 21, a farm foreman, was killed by Ozie Hicks in 1936 in Calhoun County, Alabama. Woodrow’s father Art Bush shot at a mob that was breaking into his cabin during a search for an unidentified Black person who allegedly molested a white infant. Bush wounded Ozie Hicks and killed Pat Hicks. Ozie Hicks then shot and killed Woodrow Allen Bush. Legal proceedings ensued. An essay on this case, researched and authored by a CRRJ student, is available on request.


Alleged perpetrators/other named individuals:
Perpetrator group type: [ ]

Date of incident: 1936-08-23
Location: Anniston, Calhoun County, Alabama
Location type: private space - domestic
Allegation against victim: being the son of someone accused of murdering a white man; being a Black man in charge of white and Black sharecroppers

Coroner process
Coroner/inquest: [ ]
Finding of no legal responsibility: [ ]

Criminal process
Arrest: [ ]
Charge/indictment/information: [ ]
Grand jury: [ ]
Trial: yes
Conviction: no
Sentence: [ ]

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