Killing of McKinley Fox in Alabama in 1937


Case summary

McKinley Fox, 25, a station hand, was killed in 1937 in Glendon, Clarke County, Alabama. Fox's mutilated body was found on the railroad tracks. White men had threatened Fox. According to statements given to NAACP investigator John.L. LeFlore, the assailants killed Fox because he used profanity, and he scolded black people for being afraid of whites. The NAACP launched an investigation into the killing but it was dropped because of insufficient evidence. Potential witnesses were too afraid to provide statements.


Date of incident: 1937-04-25
Location: Clarke County, Alabama
Location type: public space - rural
Allegation against victim: using profanity; reprimanding other Black people for being afraid of white people

Coroner process
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Criminal process
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Charge/indictment/information: [ ]
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Trial: [ ]
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