Killing of Luther Battle in Georgia in 1932


Case summary

Luther Battle (1907-1932), a laborer, was killed by police officer Leo Nablick in Atlanta, Georgia. Nablick was among a squadron of officers conducting a raid three doors down from Battle’s residence. Accounts differ, but according to the Commission on Interracial Cooperation, during the raid, Battle was said to have come out of his residence firing a gun. He then dropped the gun, and Nablick pursued him, and Battle got ahold of Nablick’s gun and fired. Nablick recovered the gun and fatally shot Battle.


Alleged perpetrators/other named individuals:
Perpetrator group type: police

Date of incident: 1932-09-04
Location: Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia
Location type: victim's home
Allegation against victim: grabbing a police officer's gun; shooting at a police officer; fleeing from a police officer

Coroner process
Coroner/inquest: [ ]
Finding of no legal responsibility: [ ]

Criminal process
Arrest: [ ]
Charge/indictment/information: [ ]
Grand jury: [ ]
Trial: [ ]
Conviction: [ ]
Sentence: [ ]

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